
Tenx9 Nashville // April 2025: "Lost It

Keys, wallets, tempers, minds—sometimes, things just slip away. Maybe you lost something small but meaningful, like a treasured keepsake, or something big, like your way, your patience, or your grip on reality (even just for a moment).

This month at Tenx9, we’re looking for stories of losing and maybe even finding—whether it’s your nerve before a big moment, a friendship that faded, or that one time you truly lost it in spectacular fashion. Was it funny, heartbreaking, or just plain bizarre? We want to hear how it all unraveled.

Pitch your story here!

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Tenx9 Nashville // March 2025: "Shouldn't Have Done That"

Tenx9 Nashville // March 2025: "Shouldn't Have Done That"

We’ve all been there—that split second when you realize you’ve made a terrible mistake. The text you definitely shouldn’t have sent. The haircut you thought would be a good idea. The shortcut that led to disaster.

This month at Tenx9, we’re diving into the moments of instant regret and the questionable choices. Whether it was reckless, ridiculous, or just plain dumb, tell us about the time you thought, "Well… shouldn’t have done that."

Come share your best (or worst) mistakes with us—we promise, you’re in good company!

Pitch your story here!

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Tenx9 Nashville // February 2025: “It’s a Date”

Tenx9 Nashville // February 2025: “It’s a Date”

We want your stories of memorable meet-ups, disastrous dinners, or those times you confused a romantic date with a dental appointment (oops). Tell us about the blind dates that should’ve stayed in the dark, the anniversaries you forgot—or nailed—and the moments where timing made all the difference.

Whether it’s a romantic rendezvous, an unforgettable occasion, or a date on the calendar that changed your life, we’re saving this spot just for you.

Got a story? Pitch your story here!

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January 2025: "What Are the Odds?"

January 2025: "What Are the Odds?"

Have you ever found yourself shaking your head in disbelief at life’s twists and turns? That time you ran into your childhood best friend halfway around the world. The day you lost your wallet and won the lottery (okay, probably not). The moment you realized the long shot actually paid off—or didn’t.

This month at Tenx9, we’re asking: What are the odds? Tell us about the improbable coincidences, the near misses, the one-in-a-million chances, and the serendipitous surprises that have shaped your story. Whether the universe felt like it conspired for you or against you, we want to hear how it all played out.

Send us your stories of the unlikely, the unexpected, and the downright absurd. What are the odds we’ll hear something unforgettable? Pretty high, we think.

Pitch your story here!

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December 2024: "That's a Wrap"

What’s your “That’s a Wrap” story? We’re looking for stories of gifts or endings. Perhaps you have a story of wrapping up a sentimental gift you knew would be just right, or wrapping up a relationship or a time living in place. Perhaps you have a story of wrapping up a job or even just binge watching a show. What’s your story of something that’s ended or been given?

Pitch your story here.

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November 2024: "Stranger" with Folx Table

November 2024: "Stranger" with Folx Table

What’s your “Stranger” story?

Perhaps you have a story of an unexpected meeting with a stranger? Perhaps an expected meeting with a stranger? Perhaps you were a stranger to a place? Or an idea? Perhaps you wished you'd been more of a stranger at one point? Perhaps you wished you'd been less? Maybe something was stranger than you expected?

What's your story? Submit your idea here!

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October 2024: “That Made All the Difference”

October 2024: “That Made All the Difference”

What’s your story? Maybe you have a story of someone who helped you at the exact right moment, or the thing you said that finally ended the conflict. Maybe you have a story of what it finally took for you to leave that marriage, or how you finally figured out how to help your kid have the confidence to try out for the school play. We are looking for stories of impact.

Pitch your story here!

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September 2024: "Nashville"

September 2024: "Nashville"

What’s your “Nashville” story? Do you have a story of moving to Nashville, heartbreak in Nashville, visiting Nashville, hating Nashville, loving in Nashville, watching "Nashville," leaving Nashville, dating in Nashville, raising kids in Nashville, grieving in Nashville... What's your story? Remember, we're not looking for reflections on Nashville or rants on the traffic. Tell us an actual story of something that happened to you.

You can pitch your story here.

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August 2024: "The Heat of the Moment"

August 2024: "The Heat of the Moment"

What’s your story of the heat of the moment? This could be a story of passion (though within reason dear friends…)—love, anger, wonder… Perhaps you have a story of something you said that you wished you hadn’t, or something you chose not to say that made all the difference. Perhaps you have a story of a stressful decision you made under pressure, or a story of competition. Maybe it’s just a story that takes place in the hellish heat of Tennessee summer.

What’s your story? Pitch it here!

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June 2024: “Moving” with TIRRC

June 2024: “Moving” with TIRRC

We all move. All throughout the day. Sometimes that’s moving from one part of the house to the other, other times it’s moving houses, cities, or countries. Sometimes it’s by choice and longing, sometimes by force and necessity. We move on from relationships, we move to be healthy, we are moved by beautiful and powerful sights and experiences.

What’s your story related to moving? Pitch your story here.

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Tenx9 Nashville: "We Are Family"

Tenx9 Nashville: "We Are Family"

What’s your story about family? This could be about an experience you had with siblings, your children, your parents, aunts and uncles, grandparents, friends that are like family, or family that you wish were just friends. As long as your story is about your experience of something that happened in your life and has something to do with "family," we want to hear it! 

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Tenx9 Nashville: Deception

Tenx9 Nashville: Deception

What’s your story? Perhaps you have a story of a prank you pulled, or perhaps of a marriage gone awry. Perhaps you have a story about lying to yourself, or of seeing a mirage in the desert. Perhaps you have a story about being tricked by someone’s words, or the promise of a quick-fix. Perhaps you have a story of being a spy (bonus points if you do)! 

Submit your story proposal here!

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Our next night of true storytelling is “Snapshot". For this one, your personal story must center around a photograph. As in, your story should be about or significantly feature the picture itself or what the picture is of. This is not for telling a story about a hike in the mountains and then finding a photo of a mountain. Your picture would need to be of the actual experience.

We will project the photo up on the screen during your story. So, what’s your true personal story of something that happened to you, as told by a photo?

Submit your story idea here!

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That Was Weird

That Was Weird

 Each year we like to do something in February that connects to themes of Valentine's Day or relationships. So this year...our theme is "That Was Weird." :) 

What's your weird story? Maybe something you did on a date? Maybe something they did? Maybe your weird story has nothing to do with dating. Maybe it was about that eccentric character you met on the train ride through Belgium, or that quirk your mom has that finally had a hilarious comeuppance. Maybe you misspoke while public speaking or embarrassed yourself the first time you met your in-laws. Maybe you had a weird moment parenting your kids.

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